Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chao Outside!

Final exam's finally done!
After 2 weeks of suffering, I'm freeeeeeeeeeed at last! x)
Well, doing nothing much after my exam..Because most of my friends still have their last paper tomorrow..
So not gonna have any celebration until tomorrow :(
Hmm..Here's some funny videos by Pyrobooby from youtube I wanna share with you guys as I'm sooooo addicted to it and I think you guys will love it too! :D
Peter Chao rawwwwks~

Before I "Chao Outside!", I'd like to wish all the MMU-ians best of luck in final exam and happy holidays! ;)

P/S: subscribe to Pyrobooby now! :P


  1. Oi fucker I online at Old town. Open your blog people around me thought I am pervert surfing porn site leh! Haha.. By the way, I dont miss you^^ Old town 99 floor? Haha...

  2. hahaha funny video.. he speaks like phua chu kang! btw, good luck in ur exammmm! ^__^

  3. @Zues:
    hahahha..not porn kay?d vid damn funny wei..anw,i miss kimmy's smell more than i miss u ^^
    @Wen Pink:
    loool..yeahh :D thanks awwwhh!
